How to write an Editor letter / first submission


Dear Editor,

Please find attached our paper titled ‘<TITLE>’ for consideration for publication in the Journal of Information Technology.

In this paper, we address the contradictory results provided by research on control in remote work arrangements. We argue that this contradiction can be specified as a set of mutually constituted tensions when these studies are considered together. We show that control in RWAs can be specified as a distributed accomplishment of managers and employees as each tries to address the contradictions that are at the core of their experience with remote work. 

We are excited to submit the paper to the Journal of Information Technology for three related reasons. First, the Journal has published several compelling papers based on analytical literature reviews, proposing ambitious research agendas (see below for a list of papers cited in this letter). These include Reuver et al.’s (2018) research agenda on digital platforms; Wiener et al.’s review on big data business models and Pereira et al.’s review on IT maturity models. 

Second the Journal is home to several debates related to the core substantive issues in our paper. The Journal has published several major pieces on surveillance, including Zuboff’s paper on ‘the big other’ and Cecez-Kecmanovic’s paper on ‘the rise of the digital surveillance economy’ which was part of a lively debate hosted on the Journal anchored on the publication of Clarke’s paper on the risks inherent in the digital surveillance economy. The journal has also published research on telework, including van der Meulen et al.’s study on impact of temporal and spatial separation along with media use on knowledge sharing networks.

We hope you find that our paper contributes to, and advances these rich debates and conversations in the Journal of Information Technology. We look forward to the feedback of the review team.

<Suggestions for review team>


The Authors.

Cited papers from previous issues of JIT:

  1. The resistible rise of the digital surveillance economy: A call for action

Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic

First Published March 4, 2019

2. Risks inherent in the digital surveillance economy: A research agenda

Roger Clarke

First Published March 1, 2015

3. The digital platform: A research agenda

Mark de Reuver, Carsten Sørensen, Rahul C. Basole

First Published June 1, 2018 

4. A review of methods used on IT maturity models development: A systematic literature review and a critical analysis

Rúben Pereira, João Serrano

First Published February 17, 2020

5. No teleworker is an island: The impact of temporal and spatial separation along with media use on knowledge sharing networks

Nick van der Meulen, Peter van Baalen, Eric van Heck, Sipko Mülder

First Published February 20, 2019

6. Big-data business models: A critical literature review and multiperspective research framework

Martin Wiener, Carol Saunders, Marco Marabelli

First Published March 4, 2020

7. Big other: Surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization

Shoshana Zuboff

First Published March 1, 2015